Install the YAMN client on Windows 10

There are three ways to use YAMN under Windows: on the command line; by using Christian Danner's Omnimix program; or by using Inwtx's Yamn Remailer Client created by Inwtx Admin.

Command Line Usage

  • Download the Yamn binary, with a choice of many different architectures, including Windows, HERE or HERE.

  • Create a folder for your YAMN client. We suggest c:\Users\Bob\yamn.

  • Rename binaries/yamn-windows-amd64.exe to yamn.exe, and then move yamn.exe into your new yamn folder.

  • Now you only need to place a configuration file, yamn.yml, in that folder and you are ready to go. Here is a sample yamn.yml for you to start with.

  • In your yamn folder compose your outgoing message in a file message.txt. Here is a sample for you: message.txt. Change to a valid recipient address.

  • Now lets actually begin using YAMN. Open a terminal window and change to directory C:\Users\Bob\yamn

  • At the command line do:

    yamn --refresh

    yamn --mail 

    This will create an encrypted YAMN message chained through three random remailers and placed into c:\Users\Bob\yamn\pool

  • To send out the messages in your pool do:

    yamn -S
  • More Examples

    # Create an anonymous email through 3 random remailers
    yamn --mail 

    # Create an anonymous email through 3 random remailers. Send multiple copies
    yamn --mail --copies=2 

    # Create an anonymous email through 4 random remailers. Send multiple copies
    yamn --mail --chain="*,*,*,*" --copies=3 

    # Generate one dummy message and place it in the pool
    yamn -d

YAMN Remailer Client

  • Download the YAMN Remailer Client for Windows

  • Extract the contents of the Zip file into a seperate folder. We suggest C:\Users\Bob\yamn-client.

  • The program's executable is YAMNclient.exe. Double-click on it.

  • YAMN GUI screenshot
  • The program is very easy to grasp. At the top of the program window you will see a blue dropdown box called "Templates". Choose the template called [Basic To] to load a template to send an anonymous email. Choose the template called [Basic Newsgroups] to load a template for sending to Usenet.

Omnimix (v2.6.7) as a YAMN Remailer Client

  • Download the latest Omnimix (v2.6.7), which has support for both Yamn and Mixmaster remailer usage.

  • Double-click on the Installer and follow the steps for full installation.

  • Read the tutorial for a good overview of how to use Omnimix.

  • Important Notes on YAMN & Omnimix:
    -> There's a Remailer selector at the StateInt tab: Mixmaster or Yamn. Choose Yamn.
    -> There's a Remailer selector at the Mailer tab: Default or Mixmaster or Yamn. Choose Yamn.
    -> Finally, there's a Remailer selector at the SetNym tab: Default or Mixmaster or Yamn. Choose Yamn.

  • Omnimix Yamn screenshot

  • Done!

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